-development environment : 
    0_cmp :  prepare development tree
		see install
-kernel : 	
    1_cmp :  deflate "core.gz" (init.rd of Tiny Core)
    11_cmp : same without ask to confirm
    2_cmp :  build the kernel previously configured and modules
    22_cmp : same without ask to confirm 
    3_cmp :  update core.gz with new modules and pack it as "core2.gz" : move only useful modules in "core.gz" 
	(for Tiny Core 5.3 - kernel 3.8.13) : move only useful modules in "core.gz" 
	(for Tiny Core 6.4 - kernel 3.16.16)	

    4_cmp : RTAI compile modules and tools (yet to come) : launch tests from RTAI test suite.

    del_orig : delete files ".orig" you get when patching and having "#Hunk" warnings.

last update : 16/2/15